IKBFU Scientific Library was founded in 1948. IKBFU Scientific Library has 830 thousand books, including periodicals. Since 2008 the electronic subscription is opened and since 2012 the training literature is available online.

 S2A4670 min


books in the Scientific library


rare books


books for students




seats in the University’s reading rooms


audiobooks for persons with visual impairments

international electronic resources of modern scientific periodicals, as well as access to bibliographic and abstract databases - Scopus and Web of Science.

books from the Wallenrod library – one of the most famous libraries of XVII. Some the XV-XVII books survived only in a single copy which makes them a priceless treasure for historians.

A reading room with all books necessary to a certain field of study is located in every Institute of the IKBFU. All the reading room have comfortable seats with access to the Internet and all the book collection. Students and professors have full access to the electronic catalogue of the library, electronic resources and science-related data business. Access to “Antiplagiat” system is granted on individual response. Training literature is given to every particular course by library card.

The staff of the library is always ready to provide visitors with copying, scanning and bookbinding services. Also readers may use a cooler with hot and cold water, charge a gadget and buy tea and coffee.

Science library card

2 Universitetskaya st., room 113

Student library card

2 Universitetskaya st., room 126

Reading room №1

Institute of Living Systems

2 Universitetskaya st. room 115a

Reading room №3

Books on Physics, Mathematics and IT

14 A.Nevskogo, room 202

Reading room №4

Books on Linguistics and Foreign Languages

56 Chernishevskogo st., room 236

Reading room №5

Books on Economics

23 Gorkogo st. room 206a

Reading room №6

Books on Sports, Service and Tourism

14b A. Nevskogo st. room 116

Reading room №7

Books on Law

6 Frunze st. room 412

Reading room №8

IBooks on Medicine

59 April st.

Reading room №9

Institute of Environmental Management

2 Zoologicheskaya st., room 210

Reading room №10

Institute of Transport

57 General-Lieutenant Ozerov st.room 221