According to the Regulations on medical assistance provision to foreign citizens studying at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, international students (including residents of CIS countries and stateless persons) are obliged to have a policy of voluntary health insurance policy (VHI) when enrolling in the University for studying or internship.

The policy is to be purchased by the student with personal funds; it must be valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, covering the entire period of study and must include the following points:           

✅ outpatient polyclinic services, including specialized medical care;

✅ emergency dental care;

✅ inpatient care (emergency hospitalization);

✅ repatriation

In the absence of the above medical services, the insurance certificate will not satisfy the requirements of the Regulations.

The VHI policy must be purchased within 15 calendar days after issuing the order on admission to the University, provided that the student is on the territory of the Russian Federation. After the expiration of the previous insurance, an international student must purchase a new policy within 3 working days.
Foreign citizens present in the territory of the RF are recommended to purchase a VHI policy one week before arrival in Kaliningrad.           

In cases of violation of the Regulations’ requirements, the University has the right to apply disciplinary sanctions to international students, provided for by local normative acts of the University.

A foreign citizen can purchase insurance from any insurance company. The main condition is that the insurance meets the requirements of the Regulations. You can get acquainted with the companies that provide insurance programs recommended by the University. To purchase insurance, a student can call or write a contact person from the list.


If you have any questions about voluntary health insurance remained, you can contact us by email: [email protected].